
The following 10 final songs, come from Canadian musicians around the world, will compete for the Championship at the SQ2021 finale. Vote for your favorite song from the list below and get a chance to win $500 cash at the “G-Way Health Centre People’s Choice Award” on Fairchild Radio App. Click here to see more details of the online voting.

經過專業評審篩選後,恭喜以下參賽作品成功打入SQ2021 決賽,並競逐冠、亞、季軍歌曲。10 首歌曲當中,4 首來自溫哥華、4 首多倫多、1 首愛民頓,以及 1 首來自香港。透過加拿大中文電台手機 App (FR App) 投選你喜愛的原創歌曲,有機會贏取現金獎 $500。更多「加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛原創歌曲」票選詳情,請按此