Congratulations to Athena Wong for winning the Championship at SQ2021 Canadian Chinese Songwriters Quest with her song "Sunday"! The 1st Runner-Up was awarded to "Pandemic Sunshine", written by Nigel Wong and Spike Lee, while "Getting Used To You", by Shirley Chen, Cecilia Choi, and Heng Lu, took the 2nd Runner-Up. "The Lost Spark", written by Charmaine Leung, received the online G-Way Health Centre People's Choice Award.
「 SQ2021 加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽」經已完滿舉行,得獎名單如下:
冠軍: 《Sunday》(溫哥華) | 作曲 / 填詞 / 主唱: 黃敏晴
亞軍: 《疫晴》(多倫多) | 作曲 / 主唱: 黃耐遷 | 填詞: 李穎昇
季軍: 《習慣你》(多倫多) | 作曲:陳一閣、崔昭婷 | 填詞:盧恆 | 主唱: 崔昭婷
加拿大芝寶靈芝 我最喜愛歌曲: 《遺失的火花》(溫哥華) | 作曲 / 填詞 / 主唱: 梁滌玟
Tickets sold out. 門票全部售罄。
Established in 1996, Canadian Chinese Song-Writers Quest (SQ) is an annual Chinese song-writing contest with a mission to provide an opportunity for both aspiring and established Canadian songwriters to have their musical creations heard in a professional, international arena. The Champion of SQ2021 is going to be born! We have selected 10 final songs to compete at the SQ2021 finale that will be aired on July 31 on Fairchild Radio and its social media.
加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽是加拿大歷史最悠久及規模最大的華語歌曲創作比賽,自1996 起由加拿大中文電台舉辦,至今已經有 25 年歷史。該比賽致力發掘加國音樂人才和推動本地華語音樂創作風氣,讓不少參賽者因得到啟發而晉身樂壇,實現音樂理想。 今年大會鼓勵來自世界各地的加拿大音樂人報名參加加拿大中文歌曲創作大賽 SQ2021,成功入圍 SQ2021 一共有 10 首歌曲,4 首溫哥華作品、4 首多倫多作品、1 首愛民頓作品和 1 首來自香港,參賽者將於網上決賽當天競逐多個獎項,以及全場總獎金 $12,000。
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Joyce Cheng 鄭欣宜 & Jay Fung 馮允謙
Vancouver 溫哥華
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 AM1470 & FM961: 604-295-1234
Calgary 卡加利
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 FM94.7: 403-717-1940
Toronto 多倫多
Fairchild Radio 加拿大中文電台 AM1430: 905-415-1430
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